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The navbar of your website

Navbar fragment can show a logo/image, a menu with support for external links and a special icon link useful for linking to Github or Gitlab.

Note: Search doesn’t look very good in this page because there are two navbars in the page which is not expected. Please use search in other pages.

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fragment = "nav"
#disabled = true
date = "2018-05-17"
weight = 110
background = "secondary"
search = true
#sticky = true # Default is false

  display = true # Default value is false
  #level = 0 # Default is 1
  background = "light"

# Branding options
  image = "logo.svg"
  text = "Syna"

  url = ""
  text = "Star" # default: "Star"
  icon = "fab fa-github" # defaults: "fab fa-github"
  # no_text = true # Uncomment to remove the text

  url = ""

  url = ""

  url = ""
  title="Okkur Labs"
  text = ""
  icon = "fas fa-home"      



Use one instance of this fragment per page. Running more might lead to unexpected issues.

  • .Site.Menus.main

    Note: Menus displayed in the nav fragment can be nested, in which case the nested menus are displayed in a dropdown. Please see “nesting” section of Menus documentation in Hugo documentation.

    # config.toml
      url = "/about"
      name = "About"
      weight = 10
      identifier = "about"
      url = "/about/team"
      name = "Our team"
      weight = 10
      parent = "about"
      url = "/about/office"
      name = "Our office"
      weight = 20
      parent = "about"


type: boolean
default: false

If set to true, search is enabled within the navbar.
Note: The additional input field used for search will alter the menu layout.


type: boolean
default: false

If set to true, navbar will stick to the top of the screen whenever page scrolls past it.

prepend, postpend

type: array of objects

Menu like objects that are used to add menus before and after the main menu.


type: string


type: string

type: object

If object is set, breadcrumbs will be shown under the navbar.

type: boolean
default: true

type: number
default: 1

Define the section level the breadcrumb will start being shown.

The default value 1 would lead to the following being defined:

content/_index # level 0, not shown
content/blog/_index # level 1, shown
content/blog/article-1 # level 2, shown

type: string
recommended: primary, secondary, white, light, dark
accepted values: primary, secondary, white, light, dark, warning, success, danger, info, transparent


type: asset object

Asset will be shown as a clickable logo directing to the main page.


type: object

Enable a button on the top right navbar. Usually used to link to your repository such as Github or Gitlab.
The icon can be customized via repo_button.icon.


type: string


type: string
default: star


type: string
default: fab fa-github


type: boolean
default: false


type: array of object

This enables the addition of one or more buttons on the top right navbar, just like repo_button. It can be used in conjunction with repo_button or replace it entirely if required.

The following configuration mimics the behavior of repo_button:

  url = ""
  text = "Star"

type: string


type: string
default: GitHub

Defines the title of the button. The title is used to define de default values for buttons.text and buttons.icon.

It uses the same base names of Font Awesome to display icons but in a case insensitive manner. For example, GitHub sets the default buttons.text to GitHub and the default buttons.icon to fab fa-github. If you set the title name to fAcEbOoK, the default buttons.text will be fAcEbOoK and the default buttons.icon will be fab fa-facebook.


type: string
default: The name of the profile

Sets the text to be displayed on the right of the icon in the button. If not set, it will try to use the default value. If set to “”, the text will be removed and the icon centered within the button.


type: string
default: The profile’s default

Sets the icon to be displayed on the left or center of the button. If unset or setted to “”, the icon used will be the default icon defined by the profile.

Its actual value must be one of the styles defined by Font Awesome. For example fab fa-accessible-icon for accessible-icon, fas fa-star for star, etc.

Global variables are documented as well and have been omitted from this page.